Face Piercings: Types, Cost, Pain, Healing & Aftercare
Face piercings offer an array of eye-catching possibilities for those who are passionate about body modification and wish to use them to highlight their audacious personality. Every taste and personality may be catered for with a face piercing, from a modest nose stud that adds a touch of refinement to a bold eyebrow piercing that radiates confidence. But you should also think about the expected expenses, pain thresholds, side effects, jewellery options, healing time, and aftercare in addition to the desired look. You may make an informed choice and get satisfactory outcomes by having a basic understanding of these components. To find out everything there is to know about the many kinds of facial piercings, continue reading!
What Is The Significance Of People Piercing Their Faces?

For a number of reasons, people decide to get their faces pierced. These could include understanding their displays of identity and selfhood as well as societal and cultural norms. For example, nose piercings represent fertility in women and marital status in various Indian communities. Further justifications for getting facial piercings are as follows:
- to showcase their artistic abilities.
- as a symbol of defiance against accepted social mores.
- to be fashionable and for aesthetic reasons.
- to stand for moral principles, convictions, or spiritual ties.
- as a token of gratitude for a community or culture.
- in order to empower oneself.
You can pierce many areas of your face to create a distinctive and stylish appearance. Furthermore, every person’s motivation for completing the task can differ depending on their goals, life experiences, and worldview. Check out the section below to see the various kinds of facial piercings available to you!
Facial Piercing Chart

This is a simple chart of facial piercings that lists a few popular varieties.
You can use this chart as a vision board to help you decide the places and types of piercings you desire. This chart should ideally be present in every piercing studio you visit, allowing the professionals to assist you visualise how each type of piercing will look on your face and to give you a reference for the various possibilities available. In addition, they will assist you with any questions you may have, pre-piercing precautions, and aftercare guidelines.
It is said that each of these piercings has a unique visual appeal and meaning. Learn about the many alternatives for facial piercings and their approximate expenses by scrolling down.
Different Types Of Facial Piercings
The following are the most common types of facial piercings:
1. Vertical Eyebrow Piercing

This brow-tracking surface piercing is visible. Its entry site is through the bottom of the eyebrow, and its exit position is through the top.
2. Horizontal Eyebrow Piercing

It is a horizontal Surface Piercing, positioned either slightly above or below the brow hair. It could also occasionally be positioned inside the brow itself. To fit certain face anatomy, this horizontal piercing can also be slightly slanted.
3. Third Eye Piercing

It’s a vertical surface piercing placed in the centre of your forehead, which is the location of the third eye chakra. For spiritual seekers want to modify their bodies to represent their beliefs, this makes the piercing perfect. It is sometimes referred to as the Medusa third eye piercing, unicorn piercing, and forehead dermal piercing.
4. Bridge Piercing

The striking surface piercing, popularly referred to as the Erl piercing, pays homage to Erl Van Aiken, the person who popularised this design. It is a striking and daring piercing that is placed between your eyebrows and directly across the bridge of your nose for a symmetrical appearance.
5. Crow’s Feet Piercing

This piercing is situated close to the side of your eyes, around the temples. The name of the piercing was inspired by the area where the wrinkles usually referred to as “crow’s feet” develop.
6. Anti-Eyebrow Piercing

This piercing, also called the butterfly kiss, is positioned exactly behind the eye and along the cheekbone, right opposite the eyebrow. Depending on your taste, this surface piercing can be done horizontally as well as vertically.
7. Teardrop Piercing

The teardrop piercing might appeal to you if the anti-eyebrow piercing placement appeals to you. This one replaces the barbell jewellery used in an anti-eyebrow piercing with a slimmer dermal anchor, though opinions on whether this is the same are divided.
8. Nostril Piercing

The most common piercing that is used as a gateway to facial piercings is this one. When the nostril contacts the cheek at the crease, it is inserted via the tissue of the nostril in that vicinity. You can get it done on one side of your nose at a time, or both!
9. Rhino Piercing

A vertical tip piercing is another name for this type of nose piercing. It passes vertically through the nose’s tip, from its outside to its interior. Its resemblance like a rhinoceros’ horn from specific viewpoints gives it its name.
10. Septril Piercing

This face piercing entails puncturing the region where the upper lip meets the nose base and the septum of the nose. Although somewhat rare, it is really cute.
11. Septum Piercing

This body piercing includes the septum, the fleshy cartilage tissue between your nostrils, and was previously only seen on cartoon bulls. It passes through the softer tissue just below the septum as opposed to the thick cartilage.
Although they are unusual, septum piercings may not be to everyone’s taste. For example, blogger Victoria got a septum piercing and at first liked it. She did, however, eventually begin to lose interest in her body piercing. In one of her posts, she states, “I didn’t think one month would be long enough, so I told myself I would give myself four months to see if I wanted to keep it in.” I kept my word to myself, and the moment I took it out one evening, I felt instantly better (i).
12. High Nostril Piercing

This kind of nose piercing is usually put nearer the bridge of the nose than it is to the crease of the nostril. However, your anatomy and personal taste in style may influence the precise positioning.
13. Nasallang Piercing

This is a rather intricate and uncommon facial piercing that goes through the nose’s three cartilage walls. This cartilage piercing is extremely painful since it involves both your nostrils and the septum.
14. Austin Bar Piercing

Nostrils and septum are not punctured by this kind of nose piercing. As an alternative, it passes through the nasal cap horizontally. According to popular belief, the initial wearer of this unique nose piercing gives it its name.
15. Cheek Piercing

a kind of body modification where a tiny hole is drilled through the cheek, usually to give the wearer’s smile the illusion of dimples. Sometimes referred to as a dimple piercing, the piercing gives you the appearance of having faux dimples and is put in the natural dimple crease.
16. Medusa Piercing

The philtrum, the concave region above your top lip, is where this body piercing passes through. It is sometimes referred to be the philtrum piercing as a result. Its original name is derived from the Greek mythology character Medusa, who was renowned for her seductive beauty.
17. Madonna Piercing

This style of lip piercing, which is situated above the upper lip and off-center to the right, is also referred to as the Crawford piercing. It takes its name from the legendary pop diva Madonna, who had a piercing resembling this one.
18. Monroe Piercing

Off-center to the left, on the upper lip, is where you can find this facial piercing. As implied by the name, it is intended to resemble the iconic beauty mark attributed to Marilyn Monroe.
19. Angel Bites Piercing

The upper lip is pierced twice, symmetrically, on either side. Because it incorporates both of these piercing placements, the piercing is occasionally referred to as a Madonna-Monroe piercing.”
20. Dahlia Bites Piercing

There are two piercings on this face that are positioned symmetrically at the corners of the mouth. It bears the name Elizabeth Short, after the actress whose life ended in the 1940s with a permanent smile on her face. The moniker “The Black Dahlia” alludes to Short’s love of black translucent garments and the noir mystery novel The Blue Dahlia. It is called Dahlia bites, or just the Dahlia piercing, since the piercing’s placement resembles the corners of a grin.
21. Spider Bites Piercing

It consists of two distinct punctures on one side of the lower lip that are positioned close to one another and resemble a spider’s fang markings. This symmetrical facial piercing can be placed on either side.
22. Shark Bites Piercing

This piercing just mimics the spider bite on the opposite side of your lip, which is perfect if you adore that style. It consists of two sets of four individual punctures, usually two on each side of the lower lip.
23. Jestrum Piercing

This face piercing, also called a vertical medusa piercing, exits from the underside of the lip after passing through the middle of the top lip, just like a conventional medusa piercing. But rather of resting horizontally, the jewellery is adorned with a curving barbell that rises from the underside of the lip and penetrates the upper lip vertically.
24. Labret Piercing

This lip piercing is situated right below the top lip in the centre of the lower lip. Usually, it entails sticking a piece of jewellery inside the mouth that is visible from the outside and that sits perpendicular to the lip.
25. Vertical Labret Lip Piercing

One puncture in the middle of the lower lip is all that is required for this facial piercing. It leaves through the upper part of the lip and, in contrast to labret piercings, passes through the lower lip vertically, omitting the oral cavity.
26. Snake Bites Piercing

With each piercing placed equally from the lip’s centre, this double lip piercing is situated close to the outer edges of the lower lip. This placement is named because it resembles a snake’s fangs or a snake bite.
27. Dolphin Bites Piercing

This piercing, similar to a snake bites piercing, consists of two distinct piercings that are positioned closely together on the lower lip’s margin. They are placed slightly closer than snakebite positions and are designed to resemble the thin mouth of a dolphin and the possible appearance of a dolphin bite.
28. Eye Piercing

Even though this piercing is rarely heard of and forbidden by doctors, science fiction-inspired piercings nonetheless exist. This type of piercing, sometimes called an eyeball or corneal piercing, is puncturing the cornea, the translucent outer layer of the eye, in order to insert the jewellery. Because the piercing involves puncturing such a delicate part of the eye, it is quite contentious and has been connected to vision impairment and even blindness.
Because it will directly effect how your face piercings look, the jewellery you choose is just as crucial as the piercing placements. It is crucial that you select the ideal option for your requirements. In addition to providing you with an idea of the best face piercing jewellery kinds and materials, the following part will explain how to change them securely. Look it over!
Face Piercing Jewelry

The jewellery you choose for your facial piercing is crucial to the healing process as well as how your piercing looks. Your newly acquired body alteration will remain infection-free if you choose the correct kind and substance of jewellery (1). It will also usually last longer if you choose high-quality jewellery and know when and how to change it securely. We will go into all of these specifics of face-piercing jewellery in this section.
1. Types Of Jewelry
A variety of jewellery styles, sizes, and materials are available to accommodate a person’s tastes and piercing placements, and they can be used to accentuate facial piercings. The most popular jewellery types that you can choose from are rings and studs. They are often used for nose, lip, and eyebrow piercings and are available in a range of designs and gemstone configurations. Other jewellery kinds that are utilised for facial piercings include the following:
- Circular Barbell: Also known as a horseshoe barbell, it is a U-shaped jewelry piece that has decorative balls at the ends. It is perfect for adorning septum and lip piercings.
- Captive Bead Ring: It is a hoop-shaped piece with a small bead or ball that is held in place by the tension of the ring. It is used for lip, nose, and eyebrow piercings.
- Straight Barbell: It is a straight bar with threaded ends that can accommodate decorative beads, balls, or ornaments. It is commonly used for tongue, lip, eyebrow, and cheek piercings.
- Curved Barbell: It is a slightly curved bar with threaded ends that can accommodate decorative beads, balls, or ornaments. It is ideal for vertical labret piercings.
- Labret: It is a type of stud with a flat backplate and a removable end with decorative designs. It is ideal for lip and nostril piercings.
2. Tips To Choose The Right Material And Size
It’s crucial to take the size and material of the face-piercing jewellery item into account in addition to its style. This reduces the possibility of allergic responses while assisting in ensuring comfort and safety. Selecting the finest materials for your facial piercing jewellery can be achieved by following these tips:
- If you have sensitive skin, opt for jewelry made from implant-grade titanium that is rarely linked to allergies (2). This kind of jewelry is also durable, nickel-free, and non-corrosive.
- You may also opt for 14k or 18k gold, as it is unlikely to cause an allergic reaction. However, jewelry made from it may sometimes contain nickel, which is known to cause skin issues (3). Therefore, always look for nickel-free variants.
- Platinum is another precious metal you can opt for as your face-piercing jewelry. Pieces made from it have a brilliant luster and it also has rare cases of causing allergies. (4).
- You may opt for pure sterling silver, which is mostly considered safe but may sometimes contain nickel (3).
- If you need an affordable metal for your face jewelry, you may opt for surgical-grade stainless steel. However, keep in mind that it may have a small amount of nickel (3).
- Quality plastic materials like bioplast are another option you can choose. Ideally, you may wear plastic jewelry until your piercing is healed. Then, you may replace it with a jewelry material of your choice (5). However, if you have metal sensitivities, you may consult your piercer to confirm if you can keep wearing plastic jewelry.
Furthermore, you should take into account the gauge sizes of the piercing and the jewellery ornament when determining the size of your face piercing jewellery. Gauge size, which relates to jewellery thickness, is determined by the size of your piercing. You can find out what gauge size is right for you by consulting your piercer.
You might need to take into account your unique preferences and face features while choosing the size of the jewellery accessory. For example, choose jewellery with bold designs and ornamental components if you want your piercing to be the focal point of your ensemble. Ask your piercer to demonstrate several jewellery possibilities for you to see how they might look if you’re not sure.
3. When And How To Change The Face Piercing Jewelry?
People frequently experiment with their piercing jewellery since it can change the way your piercing looks. To prevent infection or irritation, this calls for changing them, which should be done carefully and after a specific amount of time. First, let’s discuss when to get new jewellery for your face piercing.
It’s best to hold off on changing the jewellery until your piercing has completely healed. Changing it too soon runs the risk of irritating your piercing and interfering with its natural healing process. Examine your piercing for symptoms such as redness, swelling, pain, discharge, and ease of movement of the jewellery within the piercing hole to make sure it has healed completely.
- Wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap and warm water to reduce the risk of introducing bacteria to the piercing site.
- Clean the new jewelry with a saline solution to remove any dirt or debris from it.
- Clean the piercing site with saline solution and gently rotate the jewelry to loosen any debris.
- Carefully unscrew the old jewelry and slip it out of the piercing hole gently. You may apply a lubricant like petroleum jelly to make the jewelry removal process easier
- If you encounter any resistance, do not force it. Instead, gently wiggle the jewelry back and forth while pulling it out.
- Once the old jewelry is removed, wash the hole with saline solution again and rinse with clean water.
- Pat dry the area and insert the new jewelry into the piercing site.
- Once in place, securely fasten it, and you are done!
It’s an excellent idea to get help from a professional piercer if you’re not sure how to change the jewellery on your own or if it’s your first time.
After deciding on the piercing’s specifics, you need to get ready for the discomfort. Each of these piercing styles may cause varying degrees of discomfort depending on the individual. For a broad summary, proceed to the following section by scrolling down.
Do Face Piercings Hurt?
Each person will react differently to a face piercing in terms of pain threshold. The location of the piercing, each person’s pain threshold, and the piercer’s expertise and technique are only a few of the variables that affect it. Every piercing listed below has been graded on a pain scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the most excruciating, based on anecdotal evidence:
Face Piercings: Types, Cost, Pain, Healing & Aftercare
Dive into the world of facial adornments and express yourself in style.
Written by Gracia Odile, MA
Edited by Madhumati Chowdhury, MA (English Literature)
Fact-checked by Vaishali Sinha, MA (Comparative Literature)
Last Updated on Apr 30, 2024
✔ Evidence Based
Image: Shutterstock
If you are passionate about piercings and want to use them to showcase your bold personality, face piercings offer many striking options. Whether it is a subtle nose stud that adds a touch of elegance or a daring eyebrow piercing that exudes confidence, there is a facial piercing to suit every taste and persona. However, you need to consider more than just the look you are aiming for and think about the estimated costs, pain levels, side effects, jewelry options, healing time, and aftercare. Understanding these basic elements can help you make an informed decision and get satisfying results. So, keep reading to learn all you need to know about various types of face piercings!
Piercing Guide: Face Piercings
- Placement: Various locations on the face
- Best Jewelry: Studs, hoops, rings, barbells
- Cost: $30 to $150 (depends on placement)
- Pain Level: Low to medium (depends on placement)
- Healing Time: 3 to 12 months (depends on placement)
In This Article
- What Is The Significance Of People Piercing Their Faces?
- Facial Piercing Chart
- Different Types Of Facial Piercings
- Face Piercing Jewelry
- Do Face Piercings Hurt?
- How Long Do Face Piercings Take To Heal?
- Aftercare Tips For Face Piercing
- How To Clean Face Piercings
- Side Effects Of Face Piercings
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Key Takeaways
What Is The Significance Of People Piercing Their Faces?
Image: Shutterstock
People choose to pierce their faces for a variety of reasons. These may range from cultural traditions and social factors to realizing their expressions of identity and selfhood. For instance, in many Indian cultures, nose piercings symbolize marital status and fertility among women. Here are a few more reasons why people choose to pierce their faces:
- To express their creativity.
- As a sign of rebellion against societal norms.
- For aesthetic purposes and to be on trend.
- To represent values, beliefs, or spiritual connections.
- As a sign of appreciation for a culture or community.
- For personal empowerment.
Elaine Davidson is the Guinness World Record holder for the woman with the most body piercings. She has 462 permanent piercings, out of which 192 are head and face piercings.
Numerous parts of your face can be pierced for a unique and fashionable look. And each person’s motivation for getting it done can be unique to their desires, experiences, and beliefs. For a look at the different types of facial piercings you can choose from, check the following section!
Facial Piercing Chart
Image: StyleCraze Design Team
Here is a basic face piercings chart outlining some common types of facial piercings.
This chart can serve as a vision board to help you plan the areas you want pierced and the kind of piercings you want to get. Ideally, any piercing studio you visit will have this chart so that the staff there can provide you with a reference for the different options available and help you visualize how each type of piercing will look on your face. Along with this, they will help you with pre-piercing precautions and queries that you may have and aftercare instructions.
Each of these piercings has its own aesthetic appeal and significance as attributed. Scroll down to learn about the many options for facial piercings along with their estimated costs.
Different Types Of Facial Piercings
The most popular categories of face piercings are as follows:
1. Vertical Eyebrow Piercing
Image: IStock
It is a surface piercing that appears along the eyebrow. It is inserted through the bottom of the eyebrow, which is its entry point, and the exit point is through the top.
- Cost: Around $30 to $40
2. Horizontal Eyebrow Piercing
It is a Surface Piercing that is placed horizontally, either just above or below the eyebrow hair. In some cases, it may also be placed within the actual brow. This horizontal piercing may also be slightly angled to suit specific face anatomies.
- Cost: Around $30 to $40
Hyunjin, one of the eight members of the popular K-pop group Stay Kids, and a global brand ambassador for Versace, recently got a new horizontal eyebrow piercing underneath the arch of his right eyebrow.
3. Third Eye Piercing
It is a surface piercing that is done vertically in the middle of your forehead, an area that corresponds to the third eye chakra. This makes the piercing ideal for spirituality seekers looking to express their beliefs through body modification. It is also known as the forehead dermal piercing, unicorn piercing, and Medusa third eye piercing.
- Cost: Around $35 to $40
4. Bridge Piercing
Image: Shutterstock
This eye-catching surface piercing, also known as the Erl piercing, is a tribute to Erl Van Aiken, who made this piercing famous. It is a bold and edgy piercing that sits right across the bridge of your nose, between your eyebrows for a symmetrical look.
- Cost: Around $30 to $40
5. Crow’s Feet Piercing
This piercing is placed close to the temples, near the side of your eyes. Since this is the area where wrinkles commonly known as crow’s feet appear, the piercing name was thus inspired.
- Cost: Around $40-$60.
6. Anti-Eyebrow Piercing
Also known as the butterfly kiss piercing, this one is placed directly opposite the eyebrow along the cheekbone, below the eye. This surface piercing is usually placed vertically but may also be done horizontally, depending on your preference.
- Cost: Around $40 to $60
7. Teardrop Piercing
If you like the placement of the anti-eyebrow piercing, you may also like the teardrop piercing. While there are some mixed opinions about whether this one is the same as an anti-eyebrow, the barbell jewelry used for an anti-eyebrow piercing is swapped for a sleeker dermal anchor in this one.
- Cost: Around $40 to $60
8. Nostril Piercing
Image: Shutterstock
This is one of the most popular piercings that serves as the entry point to facial piercings. It is placed through the tissue of the nostril near the crease, where the nostril meets the cheek. You may get it done on either side of your nose or both at the same time!
- Cost: Around $25 to $30
9. Rhino Piercing
This nose piercing is also known as a vertical tip piercing. It goes through the tip of the nose vertically, from the outside surface to the inside. It gets its name because it resembles the horn of a rhinoceros when viewed from certain angles.
- Cost: Around $50 to $100
10. Septril Piercing
This facial piercing involves piercing the area where the septum of the nose and the vertical groove between the base of the nose and the upper lip meet. It is relatively uncommon but quite adorable.
- Cost: Around $50 to $100
11. Septum Piercing
Image: Shutterstock
Once only seen on cartoon bulls, this body piercing involves the septum, which is the fleshy cartilage tissue between your nostrils. Instead of the thick cartilage, it goes through the softer space of tissue just below the septum.
- Cost: Around $40 to $100
Septum piercings are quirky, but not everybody may like how they look on them. For instance, Victoria, a blogger, got a septum piercing and liked it initially. However, there came a point where she started falling out of love with her body piercing. She writes in one of her posts, “I told myself I would give myself four months to see if I wanted to keep it in, I didn’t think one month would be long enough. I stuck to that promise to myself and one night, I took it out and felt so much better the minute I did (i).”
12. High Nostril Piercing
Instead of being positioned near the crease of the nostril, this type of nose piercing is typically placed closer to the bridge of the nose. However, the exact placement may vary depending on your anatomy and aesthetic preferences.
- Cost: Around $25 to $30
13. Nasallang Piercing
This is a rather rare and complex facial piercing that passes through all three cartilage walls of the nose. These include both your nostrils and the septum, making this cartilage piercing quite painful.
- Cost: Around $50 to $100
14. Austin Bar Piercing
This type of nose piercing does not traverse the nostrils or the septum. Instead, it runs horizontally through the nasal cap. Popular lore suggests that the name of this rare piercing that runs through the tip of your nose comes from the first person to have worn it.
- Cost: Around $25 to $65
15. Cheek Piercing
Image: Shutterstock
A type of body modification wherein a small hole is pierced through the cheek, usually to create the appearance of dimples when the person wearing it smiles. Since the piercing gives you faux dimples and is also placed in the crease where dimples naturally occur, it is sometimes called a dimple piercing.
- Cost: Around $40 to $100
16. Medusa Piercing
Image: Shutterstock
This body piercing goes through the philtrum, which is the indented area above your upper lip. Due to this, it is also sometimes known as the philtrum piercing. As for its original name, it comes from the Greek mythological figure, Medusa who was known for her alluring beauty.
- Cost: Around $40 to $100
17. Madonna Piercing
Image: Shutterstock
Also known as the Crawford piercing, this lip piercing type is located above the upper lip, off-center to the right side. It gets its name from the iconic pop singer Madonna, who sported a similar piercing.
- Cost: Around $50 to $80
18. Monroe Piercing
Image: Shutterstock
This facial piercing is located on the upper lip, off-center to the left side. It is meant to mimic the beauty mark famously associated with Marilyn Monroe, hence the name.
- Cost: Around $50-80.
19. Angel Bites Piercing
This consists of two symmetrical piercings placed on either side of the upper lip. The piercing is sometimes called a Madonna-Monroe piercing because it combines the placement of both these piercings.
- Cost: Around $60 to $120
20. Dahlia Bites Piercing
This facial piercing involves two piercings placed symmetrically at the corners of the mouth. It is named after the story of Elizabeth Short, an actress who was murdered in the 1940s and left with a smile carved into her face. She was nicknamed “The Black Dahlia” as a reference to the noir mystery thriller The Blue Dahlia and Short’s fondness for black sheer clothing. Since the placement of the piercing resembles the endpoints of the smile, it is known as Dahlia bites, or simply the Dahlia piercing.
Cost: Around $40 to $80
21. Spider Bites Piercing
It involves two separate punctures placed closely together on one side of the lower lip, resembling the fang marks of a spider. You may get this symmetrical piercing on either side of your face.
- Cost: Around $40 to $80
22. Shark Bites Piercing
If you love the spider bite piercing, this one just replicates it on the other side of your lip. It involves four separate punctures in two pairs, typically two on each side of the lower lip.
- Cost: Around $80 to $150
23. Jestrum Piercing
Also known as the vertical medusa piercing, this facial piercing goes through the center of the upper lip, exiting from the underside of the lip, similar to a traditional medusa piercing. However, instead of the jewelry sitting horizontally, it features a curved barbell that passes through the upper lip vertically and emerges from the underside of the lip.
- Cost: Around $30 to $60
24. Labret Piercing
Image: Shutterstock
This lip piercing is located on the lower lip, specifically in the center, just below the upper lip. It typically involves inserting a piece of jewelry that sits perpendicular to the lip, with one end inside the mouth and the other visible externally.
- Cost: Around $30 to $100
25. Vertical Labret Lip Piercing
Image: Shutterstock
This facial piercing involves a single puncture through the center of the lower lip. It exits from the top side of the lip, and unlike labret piercings, goes through the lower lip vertically, avoiding the inside of the mouth.
- Cost: Around $30 to $100
26. Snake Bites Piercing
This double lip piercing sits near the outer corners of the lower lip’s edge, wherein each of the piercings is positioned equidistant from the center of the lip. As the name suggests, this placement resembles the fangs of a snake or a snake bite.
- Cost: Around $60 to $120
27. Dolphin Bites Piercing
Like a snake bites piercing, this one also involves two separate piercings placed closely together on the lower edge of the lower lip. They are just positioned closer than snake bites and are meant to replicate the look of the narrow mouth of a dolphin, and how a dolphin bite may appear.
- Cost: Around $50 to $100
28. Eye Piercing
Though this piercing is discouraged by doctors and is very rarely heard of, this science-fiction-adjacent piercing is still a thing. Also known as the corneal or eyeball piercing, this one involves puncturing the cornea, the transparent outer layer of the eye, to implant the jewelry. The piercing is highly controversial and linked to vision impairment and even blindness as it involves perforating such a sensitive area of the eye.
- Cost: Around $3000
The jewelry you choose for your face piercings is as important as the piercing placements, as it will directly affect their appearance. Hence, it is important to choose the best one for your needs. The following section will not only give you an idea about the best face piercing jewelry types and materials but also tell you how to change them safely. Check it out!
Face Piercing Jewelry
Image: Shutterstock
Your face-piercing jewelry is not only important for the look of your piercing but also plays an important role in its healing process. The right jewelry type and material will ensure that your new body modification stays infection-free (1). Also, investing in high-quality jewelry and knowing how and when to change it safely typically means it will last longer. In this section, we will dive into all these details about face-piercing jewelry.
1. Types Of Jewelry
Facial piercings can be adorned with various types of jewelry, each offering different styles, sizes, and materials to suit personal preferences and piercing placements. Studs and rings are the most common types of jewelry pieces you can opt for. They come in a variety of designs and with gemstones and are commonly used for eyebrow, nose, and lip piercings. A few other jewelry types that are used for face piercings include:
- Circular Barbell: Also known as a horseshoe barbell, it is a U-shaped jewelry piece that has decorative balls at the ends. It is perfect for adorning septum and lip piercings.
- Captive Bead Ring: It is a hoop-shaped piece with a small bead or ball that is held in place by the tension of the ring. It is used for lip, nose, and eyebrow piercings.
- Straight Barbell: It is a straight bar with threaded ends that can accommodate decorative beads, balls, or ornaments. It is commonly used for tongue, lip, eyebrow, and cheek piercings.
- Curved Barbell: It is a slightly curved bar with threaded ends that can accommodate decorative beads, balls, or ornaments. It is ideal for vertical labret piercings.
- Labret: It is a type of stud with a flat backplate and a removable end with decorative designs. It is ideal for lip and nostril piercings.
2. Tips To Choose The Right Material And Size
Along with the type of face-piercing jewelry piece, it is also important to consider its material and size. This helps ensure safety and comfort and minimizes the risk of allergic reactions. Here are some tips for choosing the best materials for your facial piercing jewelry:
- If you have sensitive skin, opt for jewelry made from implant-grade titanium that is rarely linked to allergies (2). This kind of jewelry is also durable, nickel-free, and non-corrosive.
- You may also opt for 14k or 18k gold, as it is unlikely to cause an allergic reaction. However, jewelry made from it may sometimes contain nickel, which is known to cause skin issues (3). Therefore, always look for nickel-free variants.
- Platinum is another precious metal you can opt for as your face-piercing jewelry. Pieces made from it have a brilliant luster and it also has rare cases of causing allergies. (4).
- You may opt for pure sterling silver, which is mostly considered safe but may sometimes contain nickel (3).
- If you need an affordable metal for your face jewelry, you may opt for surgical-grade stainless steel. However, keep in mind that it may have a small amount of nickel (3).
- Quality plastic materials like bioplast are another option you can choose. Ideally, you may wear plastic jewelry until your piercing is healed. Then, you may replace it with a jewelry material of your choice (5). However, if you have metal sensitivities, you may consult your piercer to confirm if you can keep wearing plastic jewelry.
Further, when it comes to the size of your facial piercing jewelry, there are two factors to consider–the gauge size of both the jewelry ornament and the piercing. gauge size refers to the thickness of the jewelry, and it will depend on your piercing size. Your piercer can help you determine which gauge size is appropriate for you.
For the size of the jewelry ornament, you may have to consider your personal taste and facial features. For instance, if you want your piercing to be the highlight of your face, you may opt for a jewelry piece with large decorative elements and designs. If you are unsure about it, ask your piercer to show you different jewelry options so you can visualize how they may look on your face.
3. When And How To Change The Face Piercing Jewelry?
Since the piercing jewelry piece can affect the appearance of your piercing, it is common for people to experiment with it. This requires changing them, which should be done carefully and after a certain period to avoid infection or irritation. Let us first talk about when to change your face piercing jewelry.
Ideally, it is important to wait until your piercing is fully healed before attempting to change the jewelry. Changing it too soon may irritate your piercing and disrupt its natural healing process, leading to the risk of complications. To ensure your piercing has fully healed, inspect it for signs like redness, swelling, tenderness, or discharge, and whether you can easily move the jewelry in the piercing hole. If you notice any of these symptoms and face hindrances moving the piece, wait for a few more days. In case there are no such signs, you may proceed with the following steps to change the jewelry:
- Wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap and warm water to reduce the risk of introducing bacteria to the piercing site.
- Clean the new jewelry with a saline solution to remove any dirt or debris from it.
- Clean the piercing site with saline solution and gently rotate the jewelry to loosen any debris.
- Carefully unscrew the old jewelry and slip it out of the piercing hole gently. You may apply a lubricant like petroleum jelly to make the jewelry removal process easier
- If you encounter any resistance, do not force it. Instead, gently wiggle the jewelry back and forth while pulling it out.
- Once the old jewelry is removed, wash the hole with saline solution again and rinse with clean water.
- Pat dry the area and insert the new jewelry into the piercing site.
- Once in place, securely fasten it, and you are done!
In case you are unsure or uncomfortable with changing the jewelry yourself or are doing so for the first time, it is a good idea to seek assistance from a professional piercer.
Once you have settled on the details of the piercing, you must also prepare yourself for the pain. The level of pain experienced during each of these piercing types may vary from person to person. Scroll down to the next section for a general overview.
Do Face Piercings Hurt?
The level of pain you may experience during a face piercing may vary from person to person. It depends on several factors, such as the location of the piercing, individual pain tolerance, and the skill and technique used by the piercer. According to anecdotal evidence, each of the piercings below have been ranked on a pain scale of 1-10, with 10 being the most painful:
Piercing Type | Pain Scale Rating |
Eyebrow Piercing | 3/10 |
Horizontal Eyebrow Piercing | 3/10 |
Third Eye Piercing | 3/10 |
Bridge Piercing | 7/10 |
Crows Feet Piercing | 3/10 |
Anti-Eyebrow Piercing | 3-4/10 |
Teardrop Piercing | 3/10 |
Nostril Piercing | 3/10 |
Rhino Piercing | 3-4/10 |
Septril Piercing | 8/10 |
Septum Piercing | 7/10 |
High Nostril Piercing | 3-4/10 |
Nasallang Piercing | 8/10 |
Austin Bar Piercing | 4-6/10 |
Cheek Piercing | 4-6/10 |
Medusa Piercing | 5/10 |
Madonna Piercing | 4/10 |
Monroe Piercing | 4/10 |
Angel Bites Piercing | 3-5/10 |
Dahlia Bites Piercing | 3-5/10 |
Spider Bites Piercing | 4/10 |
Shark Bites Piercing | 4/10 |
Jestrum Piercing | 5/10 |
Labret Piercing | 4/10 |
Vertical Labret Lip Piercing | 4/10 |
Snake Bites Piercing | 3-5/10 |
Dolphin Bites Piercing | 3-5/10 |
Eye Piercing | Little to no pain as it uses an anesthetic |
Notwithstanding, the degree of discomfort you encounter during the piercing process could vary from that of other individuals. A face piercing may be quite painful for some people, while for others it may simply cause a mild discomfort or a sharp sensation. Which is why it’s a good idea to talk to your piercer beforehand about any worries or enquiries you may have.
A facial piercing typically causes only minor discomfort throughout the procedure. Your piercing will heal and the slight soreness that follows will also go away. But how much time is this going to take? In the following section, let’s find out.
How Long Do Face Piercings Take To Heal?
Below is a general estimate of how long it takes for face piercings to heal:
Piercing Types | General Healing Periods |
Eyebrow Piercing | 6-8 weeks |
Horizontal Eyebrow Piercing | 6-8 weeks |
Third Eye Piercing | 6-9 weeks |
Bridge Piercing | 8-12 weeks |
Crows Feet Piercing | 6-8 weeks |
Anti-Eyebrow Piercing | 6-8 weeks |
Teardrop Piercing | 8-12 weeks |
Nostril Piercing | 6-8 weeks |
Rhino Piercing | 6-9 weeks |
Septril Piercing | 9-12 weeks |
Septum Piercing | 6-8 weeks |
High Nostril Piercing | 6-8 weeks |
Nasallang Piercing | 6-8 weeks |
Austin Bar Piercing | 6-10 weeks |
Cheek Piercing | 8-12 weeks |
Medusa Piercing | 6-10 weeks |
Madonna Piercing | 6-10 weeks |
Monroe Piercing | 8-12 weeks |
Angel Bites Piercing | 8-12 weeks |
Dahlia Bites Piercing | 8-12 weeks |
Spider Bites Piercing | 6-12 weeks |
Shark Bites Piercing | 8-12 weeks |
Jestrum Piercing | 6-12 weeks |
Labret Piercing | 6-8 weeks |
Vertical Labret Lip Piercing | 6-10 weeks |
Snake Bites Piercing | 4-6 weeks |
Dolphin Bites Piercing | 8-12 weeks |
Eye Piercing | A few days to weeks |
It is crucial to remember that this is only an approximate estimate of the healing time for each of these piercings. The actual healing period for facial piercings might vary based on a number of variables, including how well you take care of your body and how quickly it heals.
To guarantee a speedy recovery during the healing process, it’s critical to adhere to the recommended aftercare guidelines given by your piercer. You can get some insight into what kind of aftercare procedures you should have in the part that follows. Continue reading.
Aftercare Tips For Face Piercing
Here are some face piercing aftercare tips you may follow to ensure your piercing heals without any complications:
- Ensure to wash your hands with a mild, fragrance-free soap and water before touching your face piercing.
- Avoid touching it unnecessarily as it may introduce bacteria and increase the risk of infections.
- Clean the piercing twice a day with saline solution and avoid using alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, or harsh chemicals on the piercing site, as they may irritate and delay healing.
- Avoid rotating or twisting the jewelry unnecessarily as this may cause irritation and disrupt the healing process.
- Avoid applying makeup or skincare products directly on the piercing site, as they may irritate and increase the risk of infections.
- Avoid swimming in pools, hot tubs, or natural bodies of water until the piercing is fully healed to prevent the introduction of bacteria and the risk of infections (6).
- Be extra careful when brushing your hair, putting on clothing, or engaging in activities where the piercing may get caught or bumped to avoid trauma to your new piercing.
- Avoid sleeping on the side of the piercing to prevent irritation and discomfort.
- Along with following these aftercare tips, ensure to keep an eye on your face piercing for any signs of infection, such as increased redness, swelling, pain, or smelly discharge. If you notice any of these symptoms, seek medical advice immediately (7).
- Ensuring that your facial piercing stays clean is among the most important aftercare practices you should follow. While we are at it, let us give you a quick look into how to do it safely. Scroll down to find out.
How To Clean Face Piercings
Cleaning your face piercings properly is important to prevent infections and promote quick healing. Here is a step-by-step guide on how you can do it:
- Wash Your Hands: Before touching your piercing, thoroughly wash your hands with a mild, antibacterial soap and warm water to reduce the risk of introducing pathogens.
- Prepare Saline Solution: You may either use a store-bought saline solution or prepare it at home using non-iodized sea salt and warm distilled water. To make, add 2 teaspoons of salt to 4 cups of water and stir until the salt is completely dissolved.
- Clean The Piercing: Dip a clean cotton pad or cotton ball into the saline solution until it is saturated but not dripping. Use it to gently clean around the piercing site. Ensure to remove any crust or discharge that may have accumulated. Also, avoid rotating the jewelry while doing so, as it may irritate the piercing.
- Rinse Thoroughly: After cleaning the piercing, rinse the area with warm water to remove any remaining salt water residue. Pat dry the area using a clean paper towel.
- So, you have settled on the perfect face piercing options for yourself. However, before you go ahead, it is important to note that all piercings come with certain risks. The next section elaborates further on this.
Side Effects Of Face Piercings
Until your new facial piercings are completely healed, and even then, they need constant care and attention. But even with your greatest efforts, they could have negative impacts. Among them are a few that are:
- Infection: One of the most common risks associated with any piercing (7). Signs of contamination may include increased redness, swelling, warmth, pain, and pus discharge.
- Allergies: Some people may experience allergic reactions to the metal used in the piercing jewelry, especially if they are sensitive to nickel (3).
- Rejection/Migration: Like with every piercing, face piercings carry a risk of scarring and rejection or migration. It is where the body pushes the jewelry out of the piercing or shifts it from its original placement as it deems it to be a foreign object (8).
- Skin trauma caused due to piercings may also increase the risk of keloids, a thick raised scar that usually forms when the healing process of the piercing goes awry (9).
- Sometimes, there may be mild cases of bleeding after the piercing. While a little of it is normal, if you experience excessive bleeding, reach out to a piercer or a medical expert immediately.
- Some research also suggests that face piercings may be linked with impaired postural control and body pain (10).
- In the case of facial piercings located near the mouth, such as lip piercings, if the jewelry comes into contact with your teeth or gums, it may irritate them and result in gum recession and chipped teeth (11).
In addition to all of these negative consequences, getting facial piercings raises questions about how they will affect your career. Visible facial piercings may be banned or forbidden in professions or industries that need a professional image, such as healthcare (12). Thus, before getting a face piercing, it’s a good idea to consider your career ambitions.
Getting your face pierced is a great way to express yourself and show off your unique characteristics. Certain piercings—like the understated nose piercing—are ubiquitous in many cultures, but others—like the septril and Austin bar piercings—are bold decisions that are comparatively uncommon. But it’s vital to be aware of the possible issues rather than viewing them as merely attractive decisions or individual style statements.