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80% Of The “Habits They Secretly Learned From Other Women” That Women Are Sharing Surprised Me

80% Of The “Habits They Secretly Learned From Other Women” That Women Are Sharing Surprised Me

Oct 29, 2023

“What is something you started doing because you saw another woman do it?” questioned Reddit user u/cheeseburgerstan. Reading the answers has really taught me a lot. Sincerely. It ought to be taught in school curricula.

Here are the top-voted answers:

1. “There were no women in my home when I was growing up. It wasn’t until much later in life that I realized the importance of avoiding the scalp and applying conditioner exclusively to the ends of my mid-length hair. I found out about it via a strange woman on TikTok.”

2. “In middle school, I witnessed a girl cover her ‘i’s with little circles rather than dots. Even though I’m thirty years old, I still can’t quit.”


3. “I observed this woman in the grocery store taking the plastic bags that are provided next to all of the meats. She unzipped the bag, reached inside with her whole arm, picked up the meat she wanted to buy, and turned the bag over the meat without ever touching the package. She was a f*cking genius in my opinion.”



4. “I don’t give way to males who are heading toward me. Mostly out of common decency, I used to get out of the way quite swiftly and anxiously. “They don’t move out of your way, so why move out of theirs?” a buddy of mine replied to me. It’s amazing that I can now shoulder-check them all without thinking.”


5. “I heard a conversation between two coworkers about how they never wear white socks as they become soiled. Since then, I have only purchased black socks.”

Sergey Dementyev / Getty Images/iStockphoto


6. “After every shower, my freshman-year college roommate would slather herself in lotion. Before witnessing her, I had never used much moisturizer, but now, fifteen years later, I make sure to apply lotion after every shower. Thank you, Megan hehe.


7. “Because of my stretch marks, I used to shy away from wearing short dresses. However, one day I saw a female sporting a gorgeous short dress while her stretch markings were visible. She looked amazing, and it looked so natural. I no longer feel embarrassed to flaunt mine. I can wear any dress or outfit, and now when I go shopping, I have more options to choose from ????.


8. “I no longer asked, ‘Did that make sense?'” In professional gatherings and excessively apologizing and thanking others in my correspondence, as I observed that my very calm female manager never did.”



9. “More respect for women. I make an effort not to be the pick-me girl I used to be. It’s a difficult habit to break, but now that I can respect women instead of viewing them as competitors, I love myself more.”


10. “To enjoy the wonderful things right away. Wear your nicest clothing, apply your best makeup, and burn the best candles ????. It makes no sense to hold onto your best until a “better” day. Be as though each day is your best one.

Comedy Central

11. “I felt SO much less anxious about my furry belly until I saw a woman who was a little older than me at the time wearing a crop top with a happy trail. Since then, I haven’t bothered shaving it before donning crop tops, swimming suits, etc., because I don’t think anybody would notice. Everyone has hair, so it’s simply that.”


12. “I wash my hands in public both before and after using the bathroom. I saw a woman perform this, and it made perfect sense.”



13. “Strange, but donning cologne. I didn’t practice hygiene at all from the spring of this year till I got over a difficult period last year. I picked up one of my buddies’ friends when I went out with them. I could smell her as she got in the car—she smelt amazing! I was like, “Wow, I want that effect.” I began to explore the topic and choose my scents carefully. I adore it.



14. “Giving praise to unknown individuals at random. Once in the city, I received a compliment from a woman. I adore the color pink. I had gorgeous makeup, my pink hair was perfectly curled, and I was wearing a pink dress. She said, “Yesssss girl!” to me. A little back, a different woman passed me by, leaned in slightly, and said, “Hey, Barbie!” She then turned and winked. I felt like the world was on top of me as I pondered about those all day. I now make it my goal to give at least one woman a compliment when I go out. A day may truly be changed by it!”


15. “I became interested in skincare after seeing other ladies post their favorite products online. Regarding skincare and appearance, I was raised in the absence of any direction. I’m not into makeup. However, I do like skincare, and thus far, I’ve noticed improvements and positive outcomes.”


16. “A kohl pen. I was never able to do a cat eye as well as I could with eyeliner. Then I observed a friend applying it; she began on the outside of the eye and worked her way in. Basically, start with the wing. I never considered approaching it in that manner. I can now apply a decent cat eye in under two minutes.”


17. “I observed a lady cover the hair elastic in her ponytail by wrapping a strand of hair around it when I was in the gym changing room. Clever.”

18. “Talking about my pay. I’ve carried out this task several times, following the same methodology as my female colleagues. I am quite confident in my requests, and I prefer to be straightforward and/or forceful rather than back down. I also emphasize my accomplishments rather than being mute and carrying out more tedious labor. I’ve found it challenging to push myself to achieve these things since I was a very introverted, timid, and insecure child. More women ought to engage in it.”


19. “Taught me to French braid my own hair after I saw a girl on the bus do it.”

20. “A girl who had everything matching sat in front of me when I was still in college. such as a headband, backpack, water bottle, pencil bag, etc. She always appeared so put together, and I decided to follow suit by making sure all of her clothes matched every day. I feel put together now that I’m getting compliments on how well my outfits coordinate, so it was worth it.”

And finally…

21. “This is so stupid, but it makes me think of a time when I was tiny and I took it personally since I couldn’t make her eyebrows move independently. She was also younger than I was. After that, I held my eyebrows down with my fingers for weeks on end while driving and using the restroom until I was able to strengthen the muscles that separate each side. I can now do it too, lol.”



It’s your time now! What have you discovered via observing another woman? Post a comment below!

Note: Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.